Attention and Focus
For those who struggle with attention issues sometimes the most routine responsibilities can feel
overwhelming. Common symptoms include inability to concentrate, impulsivity and
hyperactivity. Sometimes, it can also affect a person’s ability to engage with others in socially appropriate ways, resulting in angry outbursts, or drive a restlessness that makes completing tasks difficult. When a person struggling with attention and focus participates in BrainCore’s Neurofeedback process, the ultimate goal is to retrain and reorganize unhealthy brainwave patterns into healthy orderly patterns. This results in a safe, effective, drug-free attention treatment.
The science behind Neurofeedback therapy is backed by more than 50 years of research. This process has the ability to pinpoint the underlying neurological factors that contribute to
attention and focus issues.
How Does Medication Work?
For a long time, the first choice for attention issues has been medication. This quick-fix approach causes an influx of dopamine, the neurotransmitter associated with pleasure, attention, and movement. Utilizing medication to treat attention is a way of only targeting the symptoms. It does not address the underlying cause.
Does Medicating Solve the Problem?
Medication does not cure attention issues. What it does is helps to manage the symptoms for as long as the medication is taken. Prescription meds provide a temporary solution designed to briefly improve symptoms. Others do not see the results they'd like to or do not like the way meds make them feel. More lasting solutions require a different approach.
Can Neurofeedback Help?
The purpose of any Neurofeedback therapy regiment is to transform unhealthy brainwave patterns into healthy, organized patterns. As a result, the brain self adjusts, becoming more stable, efficient, and capable of operating optimally.
BrainCore of Birmingham Can Help
Using state of the art technology, our BrainCore's Neurofeedback therapy specialists are able to map an individual's brain and determine where the imbalance exists. From there we can chart a course toward balance, recovery, and optimum health.