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Post-Traumatic Stress often occurs in the wake of a stressful or traumatic event. The emotional ramifications of this condition impacts daily lives, careers and relationships and can result in anxiety and depression, as well as fear, guilt, and shame. Those who suffer from PTSD are looking for an effective way to treat their symptoms so they can get back to living their lives. Sadly, many sufferers experience only limited relief from traditional approaches. The challenge with PTSD is in teaching the brain to shut down the stress response.

Overcome PTSD Naturally. Neurofeedback retrains the brain to
self-regulate the stress response to produce a calm state of mind.

What is the
PTSD Effect?

The traumatic stress experienced by a person struggling with PTSD can have long term effects on the brain. PTSD affects emotional memory, long term memory, and a person's ability to modulate emotion. As these areas of the brain change, the result is a negative impact on healthy brainwave function.

What Are My Options?

Traditionally the only avenues for treating PTSD have been medication and talk therapy. Therapy is a long game and can often be difficult as the sufferer doesn't realize fully how they've been traumatized. Medication can be effective in the short term, but often produces side effects while only addressing the symptoms of PTSD not the cause.

Can Neurofeedback Help PTSD?

Utilizing Neurofeedback, specific areas of the brain can be retrained to produce a sense of calm. As new neural pathways form and brainwaves are improved, an individual's ability to cope improves, leading to better mood, sleep, and resilience in their everyday life.


BrainCore of Birmingham Can Help

Using state of the art technology, our BrainCore's Neurofeedback therapy specialists are able to map an individual's brain and determine where the imbalance exists. From there we can chart a course toward balance, recovery, and optimum health. 

You're not trapped. There is hope. We can help.

*BrainCore products and procedures have not been evaluated by the FDA. All data gathered from processes and methods described herein are intended to be used by Neurofeedback practitioners for exploratory data analysis purposes only and are not diagnostic. It should never be used in place of a medical assessment by a licensed physician. Please consult your doctor before beginning new therapies or altering existing treatment plans.

© 2021 by BrainCore of Birmingham

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