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Substance Abuse Disorders

Substance Use Disorders are often misunderstood. What can be seen by many as simple addictive behavior often goes much deeper. These disorders are chronic diseases that fundamentally affect brain reward, motivation, and memory-related centers of the brain. Dysfunction in these areas leads to biological, psychological, social, and even spiritual manifestations in a person's life. An individual's pathologically pursuing reward and/or relief by way of substance use is evidence of this.​

The brain’s cognitive function, and even its physical structure, are fundamentally
changed by the frequency and duration of substance abuse. 

Why Can't I Stop?

People who struggle with substance use disorders often begin or continue using because they have underlying, or co-occurring symptoms related to anxiety, depression, trauma-related symptoms, or PTSD. Continued use also exacerbates the symptoms of these conditions. This can make remaining abstinent very difficult.

Are Traditional Methods Effective?

Substance addiction is known as a "chronic relapsing disease". Studies have shown that somewhere between 40 to 60 percent of those abstaining relapse to harmful substance abuse related behavior within the first year. Traditional therapies can help, but they are often no match for the incredibly powerful influence addiction has over a person.

How is Neurofeedback Different?

Research indicates that following a regimen of brain training, abstinence rates see a marked improvement. This is because BrainCore Neurofeedback retrains the brain complementing and enhancing the efficacy of recovery programs as well as other forms of therapy.


BrainCore of Birmingham Can Help

Using state of the art technology, our BrainCore's Neurofeedback therapy specialists are able to map an individual's brain and determine where the imbalance exists. From there we can chart a course toward balance, recovery, and optimum health. 

You're not trapped. There is hope. We can help.

*BrainCore products and procedures have not been evaluated by the FDA. All data gathered from processes and methods described herein are intended to be used by Neurofeedback practitioners for exploratory data analysis purposes only and are not diagnostic. It should never be used in place of a medical assessment by a licensed physician. Please consult your doctor before beginning new therapies or altering existing treatment plans.

© 2021 by BrainCore of Birmingham

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